
MT Evolution: From Rule-based Systems to Large Language Models

Machine translation (MT) has been crucial in facilitating modern communication and fostering global connectivity. Contrary to what the public might think, it emerged in the early 20th Century and has developed considerably over the years. But what exactly is machine translation? Simply put, MT involves the automatic production of a text in a target language …

MT Evolution: From Rule-based Systems to Large Language Models Read More »

International connection through language

The Ultimate Guide to Localization: Understanding What Localization Is and How It Can Transform Your Business

Localization means adapting a product or service for a specific language, culture, or target audience. By ensuring cultural relevance and clear communication in local languages, the product complies with regional regulations and enhances user experience. Localization helps businesses reach more people, keep customers happy, and stand out from competitors. In this article, we will give …

The Ultimate Guide to Localization: Understanding What Localization Is and How It Can Transform Your Business Read More »

Work team improving communication effectiveness

MT Technology Trends 2024: MT State of the Art and 5 Predictions for the Year

MT State of the Art   The translation industry has undergone a remarkable evolution fuelled by technological innovations. For instance, nowadays, it is almost impossible to have a translation project without a translation memory (TM) or run translation projects without a Content Management System (CMS). Now, Machine Translation (MT), which has been met with skepticism …

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NMT for patent translation checklist

Machine Translation for Patents in the Age of Innovation

Originally posted on the KantanMT blog on January 31, 2022 MT becomes a game changer in relation to patent translations. We are living in an age of innovation; the digital revolution now fuelled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the areas experiencing more entrepreneurship and growth. The health sector is also booming, and not …

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Writing for the Bot

Photo by Kindel Media on Originally posted on the KantanMT blog on November 11, 2021 Technical documentation is now used across different channels, from online help to chatbots. With the massive adoption of software and mobile applications, good technical content is on demand. Technical writing aims to explain how to use a specific technology to the potential user. The …

Writing for the Bot Read More »

Graph showing the processes involved in machine learning

Machine Learning Datasets and Neural Engines Published by NTEU Consortium

Originally posted on the KantanMT blog on August 31, 2021 KantanAI, alongside our NTEU Consortium partners Pangeanic and Tilde, has completed a substantial data upload to ELRC, with neural MT engines available for European Public Administrations via the European Language Grid. The NTEU project goals were the gathering and re-use of the language resources of several European CEF projects to create near-human quality machine …

Machine Learning Datasets and Neural Engines Published by NTEU Consortium Read More »

Deep Learning – Is it Simply a Chip Off the Old Block?

Originally posted on the KantanMT blog on July 20, 2021 This blog post is aimed at helping the novice understand the technology that is Deep Learning (DL). To do this, I will need to discuss in-depth Linear Algebra, Statistics, Probability Theory and Multivariate Calculus. Only Joking! Nothing would turn the novice readers off than trying to hack …

Deep Learning – Is it Simply a Chip Off the Old Block? Read More »

BLOG: Enhancing Game Localization through Machine Translation and Synthetic Voice Generation

Introduction In today’s globalized world, the gaming industry has evolved into a multi-billion-dollar phenomenon with a far-reaching audience. To cater to diverse player bases across the globe, game developers face the challenge of localizing their content effectively. Game localization entails more than mere translation; it involves adapting cultural nuances, idioms, and even voices to ensure …

BLOG: Enhancing Game Localization through Machine Translation and Synthetic Voice Generation Read More »

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